Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Candidates

My name is Matt and I'm running for President.

I am a third year majoring in Law, Letters and Society and I got involved in Student Government my second year after a hellish experience with annual allocations in the spring of my first year as the Treasurer of the University of Chicago Democrats. I wanted to make the system easier for others to understand, and I served on Annual Allocations and as the chair of the New Initiatives Fund. I am currently the SG Vice President for Student Affairs. If you have any questions, please email me; I'm always around!

Right now I'm taking a class on J.R.R. Tolkien which is the first of many reasons why I love this school and want to make it a better place for all students.

Check out my Facebook page:

I'm Julian, the candidate for Vice President of Administration.

I'm a first year in the college and a double major in Classics and Economics. I'm one of the founders of the University of Chicago First Responder Corps (UCFRC) and I currently serve as one of the first year representatives to College Council and I am a member of SGFC, AnnAl, and TSAB.

I originally got involved in SG this October to support change- change to make student life better on campus. Throughout this year I have striven to give RSO's the maximum funding that the Student Activities Fund can offer them, I have worked to ensure the highest efficiency in our campus transportation system, and I have helped to create the Coalition of Chicago Colleges. Still, all this is only a beginning- let's continue to improve!

I'm always available by e-mail (julianq@uchicago.edu) or by my Facebook. I encourage you to contact me with any questions, concerns, or comments you may have!

I'm Toussaint, the candidate for Vice President of Student Affairs. 

I'm a second year doctoral student in the History Department and the current President of the Graduate Council's Graduate Funding Committee. For more than a year, I've been active in the Graduate Funding Committee and Graduate Students United, working with other graduate students on issues like teaching pay, health care, and stipend support. Here is an op-ed I co-wrote for the Maroon on these issues. 

 Aside from working on graduate funding issues, I'm also active in the MGSA and STOP. This quarter, I'm working as a TA for a Politics of the Hip Hop Generation. If you see me on campus, feel free to stop me to ask a question or reach me by e-mail (tlosier[at]uchicago.edu).   

Toussaint Losier's Facebook profile

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